Sora Garrett

"It's time to stop searching ... and simply START shining"

READ how being a highly sensitive & creative humanitarian has informed my work… 

Welcome, Bright Light!

Do you ever wonder what you could be doing to create a better world…without exhausting yourself in the process?

As a highly creative, sensitive (& organized) person, I’ve cultivated a life of spacious, generous flow.

Let me help you create more spacious flow in your life, too.

Simple?  Not always, but as we live with our hearts wide open, our days free of excess clutter, something magical happens.

We begin to SHINE as a solution for whatever is in front of us.

The world has more than enough problems. What if we have everything we need to solve them, buried beneath the excess clutter of our everyday lives?

Wear Your Heart Wide Open

Wear your heart like it wears you: the way the forest wears the wind as it unleashes its spirit to the sky. -Yoram Weis

Because you are here, I know your heart is more open than not, and that you are opening to an even more spacious kind of living.

But what does it mean to wear our hearts wide open, to unleash our spirits to the sky?

Perhaps it’s simply an invitation to embrace life fully, to be amazed by the invisible threads of spirit that weave through all things … and to keep loving the world, no matter what.

Sacred Moments

I invite you to open this collection of inspirational verse to help you slow down as you savor your holydays.

Moving Grief to Gratitude

Most of us know the grief of saying goodbye to a beloved animal companion. While it may seem small compared to the grieving that comes from a person dying, or from the world’s constant warring, our hearts don’t know the difference.

Grief is grief, and it takes whatever time it takes to move through all the emotions that come with the process of grieving.

Love is Calling

What do we do when the world is on fire?

I imagine you, like me, are feeling the heartbreak of recent world disasters: fires, floods, extreme heat…the many many misfortunes that have upended people’s lives around the globe this year.

Create a Beautiful Life

How do you create a beautiful life? One simple moment at a time.

This personal credo poem was inspired by an activity shared by author Amanda Turner during a fundraising event for the Star Community Library. I decided to share it as part of my 67th birthday celebration this year. Sixty seven years of creating a beautiful life…

Let Love Bloom

Enjoy this 2 minute animation of my Legacy of Love poem. Breathe deep, open your heart (and your screen) and give yourself permission to BLOOM as you savor all the flavors of spring.

Moving Rocks

It started with an empty box and a 5 minute activity: find 10 ‘treasures’ that we may be ready to let go during our Find Your Simple group clearing session.

As I walked through the rooms of my mostly clutter-free home, all I could see were rocks.


Painted rocks. Crystals. Cairns. Fossils & precious stone collections. Bowls of rocks awaiting my paint pens.

The Words we Don’t Say

When you start to crack open, don’t waste a moment gathering your Old Self up into something like you knew before.Let your New Self S P L A S H like S u n l i g h t into every dark place & laugh & cry & make sounds you never made & thank all that is holy for the Gift, because now you have no choice but to … Let all your LOVE spill out into the world. -Kai Skye

End (and Begin) with Gratitude

Gratitude is the golden thread that stitches all the pieces of life into something beautiful. -Sora G

It’s the final day of 2022, and I’m thinking about endings.

The ending of a year is a simple turn of a calendar page, yet the world marks this passing of time with fireworks, celebrations, year-end rituals, and New Year resolutions.

Warrior of Fierce Love

“He was a bright star that crossed many horizons and imploded; like some meteor that entered an atmosphere too rarified to sustain. May the explosive force of his light lift our eyes. May the ferocious passion of his heart illuminate and move our own.”

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